Every perception is relative to some context. Not every concept is. Information theory, for example, is not relative to any context.

It makes no sense to speak of an observation on its own, but it does make sense to speak of theories on their own, as demonstrated for instance by relativity theory. Relativity theory banished relativity from physics by showing that, while observations by different observers give different measurements, they're all following the same "laws" (which I put in quotes, because they're not foundational or proven things like Enlightenment thinkers wanted to find), and all described by the same theory.

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<3 - trying to create beneficial decentralized AGI and help create a positive Singularity while also living a rewarding human life is already just about enough for this one dude as projected into this particular spacetime continuum

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(Ba-da-bing ba-da-bing??) v. ba-da-bing ba-da-bAng

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I've had time this morning only to skim, but I was moved repeatedly to think to suggest you review Stuart Kauffman's concept of the "adjacent possible."

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